October 2014 Newsletter

In October we will begin our unit on My Community, Bears, Owls, Bats, and Halloween. We will have a lot of visitors coming into school to give us presentations on these topics. If your child does not come to school on the day any of these activities are planned, please drop them in for the morning so they do not miss the presentation. Here is a list of what we have planned thus far:
Monday, October 6th Boulder Open Space & Parks: Owls Tuesday, October 7th Officer Bergh Monday, October 13th --- NO SCHOOL **Columbus Day** Tuesday, October 14th Field Trip to George Reynold’s Branch of the library for story time. (**This date may change**) Monday, October 20th Boulder Open Space & Parks: Bears Monday, October 26th Boulder Open Space & Parks: Bats Thursday, October 30th & Friday, October 31st will be our Halloween parties and parades.