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November 2015 Newsletter

We hope you had a fun Halloween! We know the kids had a blast marching in there parade and standing on the cat walk showing off their costumes.

There’s a lot going in November as we begin with our unit on “Dinosaurs!” The big field trip to the CU Science Museum happens on Tuesday the 17th and Thursday the 19th, so please let us know if you’re available to chaperone on those days and remember to return the permissions slip for your child to attend. Wednesday the 11th school will be closed for the Federal holiday Veteran’s Day, and Thursday the 26th and Friday the 27th we’ll be closed for Thanksgiving. Yoga will take place on the Wednesday the 4th and Wednesday the 18th this month. When you get a moment please welcome Miss Suze to the Sunrise family who has lots of experience with preschool aged children having previously worked at the Montessori school. As the weather begins to change and the winter holiday season creeps up please bring snow pants, gloves, a warm hat, and snow boots to Sunrise for your children to be prepared.


Miss Melissa, Miss Courtney, Miss Emma, Miss Suze, & Mr. Nick


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