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January 2016 Newsletter

Happy New Year's Sunrise family! We celebrated so many different holidays with the kids in the classroom last month and hope you and your family had a very special time. Our staff and children are very fortunate to have so many special guests in December and we are very thankful to have you visit us.

In January the children will be learning about Winter and snow and later in the month arctic animals. Be sure to ask your children what they are learning about and making at art as you might learn something new yourself. Remember if temperatures are fair we have to take the kiddos outside so have some snow clothes prepared to bring or leave at Sunrise. On Monday, January 18th the preschool will be closed to observe the federal holiday for Martin Luther King Day. Parents Night Out will take place on Saturday the 9th and Yoga on Wednesdays the 6th and 20th. We can't wait to share all the fun coming up this year with your wonderful children!

All the best,

Miss Melissa, Miss Courtney, Miss Emma, Miss Suze, & Mr. Nick.

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