February 2016 Newsletter

The Sunrise kiddos had so much fun last month with the winter units and it's very fitting now that Boulders covered in snow!

The Febraury themes change yearly and for 2016 the children will learn about Chinese New Year while spreading the love making art and gifts to give one another for Valentine's Day. There's a sign-up sheet for goodies to bring for the Valentine's party so please look for it by the door parents!

This month we'll be doing yoga on Wednesdays the 3rd and 17th, and parent's night out on Saturdays of the 6th and 20th. Well, February's usually a pretty casual month at the preschool and activities and lessons may change based on what the kid's find more or less interesting about the curriculum. Stay warm out there Sunrise family!
All the best,
Miss Melissa, Miss Courtney, Miss Emma, Miss Suze, and Mr. Nick.
