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March 2016 Newsletter

Gung Hay Fat Choy Sunrise families! The children worked hard making their valentines in February and celebrated the Chinese New Year in style with a lion parade through the building and trying some homemade traditional Chinese cupcakes. The teachers and kids want to thank all the parents who helped make the tasty goodies ;)

We are all crushed with sadness to say goodbye to Miss Courtney and cannot thank her enough for all her energy, hardwork, and love for the children she has given us over the years. Please give her a big hug and goodbye when you see her at the school this week and welcome our new teacher Miss Cat. WE LOVE YOU COURTNEY!

In March we begin our unit on cowboys, native americans, and life on the frontier. We have a special guest visitor from Cowboy Jethro on the 9th and 10th who will bring his vast collection of frontiersman artifacts, and speak to the kids about life back then. A field trip to the Boulder History Museum may be in the works as well and we'll keep you all posted. Other visitors from the community like officer Dan Bergh will speak to the kids about stranger safety along with the fireman who will talk about fire safety. The weather may be nicer in March so please bring your child a sunhat to school, and don't forget to check and make sure they have a stock of extra clothes that fit since they're all growing so quickly. If you haven't brought a family photo to Sunrise yet please drop one off so the children and parents can get more familiar with everyone.

Thanks so much,

Misses Melissa, Courtney, Emma, Suze, Cat, and Mr. Nick.

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