January 2017 Newsletter

Happy New Year’s Sunrise families! The themes for January are winter and the ocean so ask your children what they’ve learned about coral reefs, kelp forests, and aquatic animals each day on pickup. Please remember to have snow clothes and waterproof gloves for your kids at school since we will have them outside for playtime whenever temperatures are above 32 degrees. School will be closed on Monday, January 16th for Martin Luther King day, and yoga will happen on Wednesdays the 11th and 25th.

Many thanks to all the parents who have shopped at Grandrabbits and told them your child goes to Sunrise, and as we receive bunny bucks credits we will continue to buy more materials for the kids at school. Bring us any labels on groceries you purchase that participate in the Box Tops for Education program and we will send them in. Earn a free parent’s night out by leaving Sunrise a google or yelp review (just punch our name in the search bar and click “leave a review”)! We have a new teacher Miss Cha Cha to complete our staff dream team and can’t wait to share some new fun things coming up with you and your wonderful children.
Cheers and all the best,
Miss Melissa, Miss Jennie, Miss Cha Cha, & Mr. Nick.