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April 2017 Newsletter

The children really learned a lot last month about their bodies and worked so hard on all their art. Officer David visited to teach us about safety tips at home and how to avoid stranger danger. Miss Cha Cha had her last day at Sunrise and we will miss her terribly. Please give our new teacher Miss Dana a warm welcome next week!

Wow! April has arrived and Spring has sprung. This month’s theme about fairy tales will feature a play for Sunrise families to see. Please work with your children on their parts for the show on the mornings of Tuesday, April 25th and Wednesday, April 26th. We have a field trip to the Butterfly Pavilion coming soon (date yet to be determined) so look out for a permission slip in your child’s cubby. The end of the year family picnic and Kindergarten graduation ceremony will happen on the evening of Wednesday, May 31st at 5:30. Please bring a dinner for you and your children and a dessert to share with everyone, and of course all family and friends are welcome to attend!


Miss Melissa, Miss Jennie, Miss Courtney, Miss Dana, & Mr. Nick.

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