November 2017 Newsletter

We had a lot of fun times at Sunrise in October learning about local wildlife from our open space presentations, and of course parading around in our costumes and partying for Halloween. This month's theme will be Dinosaurs and we’ll study what they ate, how big they were, and how they became extinct. Ask your kids what they’re learning about after school and they’ll probably have a lot to tell you!

In November, besides making lots of art we’ll be taking a field trip to the CU Science Museum on Wednesday, November 29th and Thursday, November 30th. Please fill out the permission slip in your child’s cubby and let us know if you are available to volunteer. Sunrise we’ll be closed November 10th for Veterans Day, and November 23rd and 24th for Thanksgiving. We have our yearly shared snack and felt board story about sharing November 15th and 16th, and all parents and extended family are invited to the show. There’s a lot going on this month and if you forget anything please ask one of us in person with questions.
Misses Melissa, Dana, Jennie, and Mr. Nick.