February 2018 Newsletter

We spent the month of January at Sunrise talking about winter, snow, Arctic and Antarctic animals with the kids. The themes seemed appropriate since we finally got snow and the children had a blast sledding and making winter projects like penguins, snowmen, and walrus masks.

The themes for February are Chinese New Years and Valentines Day. We’ll have a traditional dragon dance in the gym and make lots of fun art for the Chinese New Year. Our Valentines parties will be Tuesday and Wednesday, February 13th and 14th so start working on those homemade or store bought valentines now (Mon-Thur & Mon-Fri = 44 valentines, all other days are 22). Have your child write their name on them if they can and remember to not address them to anyone specific. During winter months please have snow clothes ready to bring to school and remember to have a pair of water proof gloves for your child. The next Kid’s Movie Night happens Saturday, February 17th from 4-8pm, and Sunrise will be closed for President’s day February 19th.
Misses Melissa, Jennie, Dana, & Mr. Nick.