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March 2018 Newsletter

The Sunrise kids had so much fun making their Valentines and having our parties. The building was free of bad spirits after our parade and dragon dance to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We hope your children had lots to tell you about our February events and showed you some great art work!

The March theme, community helpers, will involve lots of guest spearkers who will share their profession and give presentations about their experiences working around Boulder with the children. On Monday, March 12th and 13th we’ll be taking a field trip to King Soopers so please get your child’s permission slip signed and returned to school before then. If by chance you are available to help chaperone on the field trip it would be most appreciated! Spring seems just around the corner and if you have plans for the break please let us know as we have people asking for spots that week.

Happy Spring,

Misses Melissa, Jennie, Dana, & Mr. Nick.

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