May 2018 Newsletter

Your kids really stepped up last month with all the hard work they put into their sing-a-long and plays. The sunrise teachers and I’m sure you parents are so proud of their efforts. They also enjoyed some leisurely nature walks, fairy tale art creations, and juggling performances by our new substitute Mr. Chris.

In preparation for our Sunflower Farm field trip this May the children will learn about farm animals for this month’s theme. The field trip will be on two days: Group 1 will go on Thursday, May 17th; Group 2 will on Monday, May 21st. Both groups leave school by 9:00am sharp so please don’t be late and make sure your child’s permission slip is signed and returned. On Wednesday, May 30th the Graduation Picnic will take place from 5:30-7:00 on the playground. There’s a Kid’s Movie Night on Saturday, May 12th from 4-8pm. Remember that Spring in Boulder can be super sunny as well as rainy so please have a sunhat for your child at the preschool.
Misses Melissa, Jennie, Dana, & Mr. Nick.