October 2018 Newsletter

What a fun filled month at Sunrise and great way to start the school year! The kids loved the pirate theme, art projects, and special guest visitor this September. Big thanks to pirate Steve for all your hard work helping the children plunder treasure throughout the playground. Everyone had fun dressing up and face painting for the theme.

The themes for October are bats, bears, and owls, and of course Halloween! We’ll have visitors from Boulder Open Space on the first Mondays and Tuesdays of the first three weeks this month. Our Halloween celebration and parade will happen October 30th and 31st. Please bring your child in costume those days and if you can stay and watch the parade that happens first thing in the morning. Another kid’s movie night will take place this Saturday, October 6th from 4-8pm. There’s exciting activities and art this month and the staff can’t wait to share everything with your kiddos!
All the best,
Misses Melissa, Dana, Michelle, & Mr. Nick.