April 2019 Newsletter

March was a fun filled and busy time for your children at school. We hope they have been coming home and “teaching” you all about the human body. They learned about the brain, digestive system, the five senses, bones, ears, and lungs to complete the unit’s final body pictures you brought home.

Our new theme for April, Fairytales and Nursery Rhymes, will introduce the definition of these stories and how there can be several different versions of the same tales. Sunrise invites all family members and friends to our school play and nursery rhyme sing-a-long. The two and three year old children will perform both days, the four year old kids will present Goldilocks & the Three Bears on Thursday the 25th, and five year old children will perform The Gingerbread Boy on the 26th from 9:30 to 10:00-10:15. Your child has a script that’s been sent home so please try and practice the songs or lines for the presentation day. If your child will be a Kindergartener next school year please bring us 75 pieces of art work they’ve made that are your favorite by May 1st, so we can finish their art and photo books by graduation day. There’s another Kid’s Movie Night on Saturday the 13th from 4-8pm if you need a night out!
All the best,
Misses, Melissa, Dana, Meredith, & Mr. Nick.